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FDA National Drug Code NDC Labeler Code


FDA National Drug Code NDC

The United States' Drug Listing Act of 1972 requires registered drug establishments to provide the FDA with a current list of all drugs manufactured, prepared, propagated, compounded, or processed for commercial distribution. Drug products are identified and reported using a unique 10 digit , three-segment number, called the National Drug Code (NDC Labeler code), which serves as a universal product identifier for drugs. FDA publishes the listed NDC numbers and the information submitted as part of the listing information in the NDC directory to public.

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FDA National Drug Code

 The first 5 numeric characters of the 10-character NDC code identify the manufacturer or distributor and are known as the Labeler Code. This part is assigned by FDA. The last 5 numeric characters of the 10-character code identify the drug and the trade package size and type. The segment that identifies the drug formulation is known as the Product Code and the segment that identifies the trade package size and type is known as the Package Code. The manufacturer or distributor will assign the Product Code and the Package Code before drug listing.

In order to obtain NDC Labeler code the drug manufacturers should submit a request in SPL (Structured Product Labeling) format via FDA's Electronic Submission Gateway or ESG. In order to successfully submit the SPL drug manufacturers also should have a U.S. agent. FDA Listing Inc. can act as the U.S. agent as well as assisting drug manufacturers to prepare and submit the SPL file to obtain the NDC Labeler code. Click the start button to inquire assistance for NDC Labeler code. 

To request a quote about " FDA National Drug Code NDC Labeler Code" submit US FDA Registration Help form or call us at +1 929-376-7870 to speak with one of our agents for help.

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Contact Info:
Address:82 Nassau St,New York,NY 10038,USA
Phone: +1 929-376-7870

 Service & Fees: 

  • Initial Assessment for FDA Requirements, Free
  • Preparation and Submission of SPL for NDC Labeler Code 395 USD
  • Acting as FDA US Agent, Free
  • NDC Resubmissions, Free Inc., referred as FDA Listing Inc., is a privately held regulatory assistance company with headquarters in New York, USA. FDA Listing Inc. has no affiliation with or endorsement by United States Food and Drug Administration. The certificates issued by FDA Listing Inc. are only for the sake of confirmation of FDA registration for your industry partners and are not recognized by United States Food and Drug Administration - FDA.

U.S. FDA Registration and Listing Inc

82 Nassau St, New York,
NY 10038, USA
Phone: +1 929-376-7870
Email: info